PC Comp recommends

About us

About our company

PC Comp sh.p.k is a leading national company for products and services in the information technology (IT) industry. Headquartered in Prishtina, Kosovo the company has sales offices in centre of Prishtina.

PC Comp sh.p.k has been operating in the commercial IT products and systems business since 2004. The company, headquartered in Prishtina, Kosovo since its founding, currently employs close to 15 people.

As a distributor, together with our business partners, we help our end buyers to choose a product according to their needs and wishes. We use all distribution channels in full with respect to their specific features. Our business offer is based on those features in terms of product choice, price, way and time of delivery, and further logistics and service support.

Our team is at our clients' full disposal. Our goal is to solve client's requests most efficiently and as quickly as possible to everybody's satisfaction.

Using our own capacities we offer our clients full service, from distribution to maintenance and logistics.


Our mission is to meet but also to make an impact on the demand in the market of IT equipment and consumer electronics and, together with our partners, to offer the end buyers a wide selection of products. Through various sales channels our products, along with full logistics and maintenance support, are available immediately and at competitive prices.

Our products

We do not claim to nor will we ever stock all IT products produced worldwide. Such an endeavor requires vast resources and results in unnecessary costs. Instead, thanks to the freedom we enjoy as a specialty provider, we can offer our customers the best possible product selection for each respective segment of the Kosovo IT market: PC systems, notebooks and netbooks, software, printers, servers, monitors, digital cameras, as well as accessories such as media, bags, and cables.